Das Nachhaltigkeitslabel Südtirol wird an Destinationen und Betriebe verliehen, die sich besonders für ökologische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Nachhaltigkeit einsetzen. Sie haben es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, ihren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu reduzieren, soziale Verantwortung zu übernehmen und die regionale Wirtschaft zu stärken. Das Nachhaltigkeitslabel Südtirol basiert auf den Kriterien des Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC), die entwickelt wurden, um ein einheitliches Verständnis von nachhaltigem Tourismus zu vermitteln.
Level 1 - Diese Unterkünfte beschreiten den Weg der Nachhaltigkeit, in dem sie zukunftsorientiert denken und sichtbare Zeichen in Sachen Ressourcenverbrauch, Lebensmittelverschwendung und Abfallvermeidung setzen.
Level 3 - Das höchste Level ist gleichzeitig "GSTC-recognised" und international anerkannt. Die Unterkunftsbetriebe mit diesem Label leben Nachhaltigkeit als ganzheitliche Philosophie und erfüllen alle neun Kriterien hinsichtlich ökologischer, sozialer und kultureller Aspekte vollumfänglich.
4 hotels have joined the association "Turn to zero". They measure their CO₂ footprint annually and try to reduce or offset it as far as possible.
The 4 establishments and their certification:
In addition, Carezza Dolomites is the first privately managed ski area in the Climate Neutrality Alliance 2025.
Carezza Dolomites and its certification:
As the first hotel in South Tyrol, the Hotel Pfösl in Deutschnofen was certified by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council® GSTC.
The GSTC establishes and manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism, known as the GSTC Criteria. Their aim is to develop a worldwide, common language about sustainability in tourism. They are arranged in four pillars: Sustainable management; Socioeconomic impacts; Cultural impacts; and Environmental impacts.
Hotel Pfösl and its certification:
ClimateCommunity Deutschnofen: The municipality of Deutschnofen was awarded silver by the Climate House Agency in 2019. The municipality succeeded in the six areas: Spatial Planning and Development, Municipal Facilities and Buildings, Production and Distribution, Mobility, Internal Organisation, Communication as well as Cooperation to achieve the prescribed quality targets.
ClimateCommunity Welschnofen: In 2021, the community of Welschnofen decided to create and implement a sustainable energy and environmental management plan and joined the Climate Community programme. Welschnofen has also received the ClimateCommunity Silver certificate in November 2023.
The Obereggen ski area has been operating a certified environmental management system in accordance with ISO standard 14001 for 16 years. In the process, for example, its own Obereggen seed mixture was sown during piste work in order to maintain the biodiversity of the meadows.
Obereggen Latemar AG and its certification:
The Steineggerhof was certified as an organic hotel. In addition, the hotel business was climate positive in 2019 and 2020, i.e. it demonstrably offset more CO₂ than it caused - as the first hotel business in South Tyrol.
The Steineggerhof and its certification:
The herbal hotel Zischghof in Obereggen bears the label "KlimaHotel Südtirol". This was founded to give guests the security of spending their holidays in resource-saving hotels. When awarding the label, the "KlimaHaus Südtirol" agency takes care to fulfil a large number of criteria in the following three areas:
The Kräuterhotel Zischghof and its certification:
Six farms in Eggental are certified, i.e. they are committed to active climate, soil and nature protection as well as to the promotion of biodiversity through various greening measures, such as soil fertility, species-appropriate animal husbandry, careful use of natural resources and the production of valuable foodstuffs. With their farming methods they want to preserve the natural foundations of life and ensure sustainable agriculture and a future worth living for the people of South Tyrol.
The 6 farms and their certification:
18 farms in the Eggental produce products that may be labelled as organic. EU legislation on organic farming defines precisely how agricultural products and foodstuffs labelled as organic must be produced and manufactured.
The 18 farms and their certifications:
Holders of the Mountain Pass can use 17 lifts in the heart of the Rosengarten, Latemar and Schlern/Sciliar any three or five days within a period of seven consecutive days.