The legend of the earth pyramids of Steinegg/Collepietra
Popular belief has it that the earth pyramids of Steinegg are almost as mysterious as those of Egypt. Here we tell you how these erosion forms were once explained and how a cautionary tale was then attached to them.
In Steinegg there was once a lovely, rich meadow that had been cultivated for generations by the tenants of the Dosser farm for the upkeep of the respective pastor. When one of these farmers, despite repeated requests, refused to pay the rent that was due, the court at Steinegg was called upon to pass judgement on the matter. As no documentary evidence could be presented and the farmer, although he knew otherwise, swore a solemn oath to support his claim, the meadow was awarded to him.
The priest was downhearted, while the farmer was proud of his doings. But, that very same day, dark clouds gathered and turned day into night. All suspected that something sinister was in the offing. Heavy rain then pelted down, lightning flashed, while it thundered in a way that Steinegg had never before experienced.
Only towards morning did the storm gradually subside and, when the man from the Dosser farm set off to mow the lush grass of his meadow, he could not believe his eyes. A deep abyss yawned before him, with only a few spires of earth and cones of rubble rising out. God had pronounced his judgement, but in a different way than people had expected.
Today, the Steinegg earth pyramids are ideal for a circular hike – and, who knows, maybe you too will discover one or two (down-to-earth) stories along the way.